Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Building the perfect snowman....

Last week we had Val and her husband Nadim come up for Christmas. While they were up they all decided they wanted to build a snowman. Nadim of course had never done it living in hot weather his whole life so they thought it'd be cool to show him how it worked. We bundled up the kids and off they went. They had a great time and it turned out rather cute if I do say so myself! It took them quite a few hours and the kids got tired, but they had so much fun. Thanks Aunt Val and Uncle Nadim for building a cool snowman with the kids and making them so excited!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

We had our ward Christmas party a week ago. Nils and I took the kids so they could see Santa. They were so excited and it worked quite nice as a bribe for the day to get them to be really good and clean house! We told the kids that once we ate our dinner up there and were really good Santa would come. We ate and the kids waited and kept asking over and over where he was. Finally he did come. They were both fine with it when he came through the door until he came down our aisle. He then stopped to talk to the kids and they ducked away. Brooklyn was so scared she covered her eyes, ducked into me, and then started shaking. He walked away and went up on stage and they just watched him closely. We finally talked them into going up there and telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Brooklyn was fine getting the candy from him, but as soon as she turned to talk to him that was the end of it and she hopped off his lap crying again! LOL Ryder was fine as long as he didn't have to sit on his lap and he would only go up there if our friend took him and not us. It was a fun night and even though they were scared of Santa, they still want him to come visit us. Go figure. :)

Way to go Ryder!!

Ryder entered a few coloring pages into the contest this year around town that they do. They are the ones they send out around Christmas time in the Newspaper. Ryder ended up winning with one of his pictures. He won at the Eye Care For You and received $5 that he can now go buy any toy he wants with. They ended up having to take a few pictures and as you can see he was tired of it and yes, he hates getting his picture taken. His picture was very cute though and I was so glad to see he won and he was very excited he won as well. Good job buddy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Olsen's!

This is probably all I can do for cards this year. :) I am going to try and get the kid's pictures taken for Christmas, but it all depends if my paycheck gets to me soon or not so for now enjoy this Christmas card homemade with lots of love. :)

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Jazz Game picture slideshow

Trip to the Jazz Game

Nils and I had the chance to go down to the Jazz game this last week. Nils has a friend from work that had season tickets and was unable to use them Wednesday night so he gave them to Nils. We went down with Piper and her husband Cameron. The Jazz played the Toronto Raptors and won!! It was a fun game and we had a great time. I will post a slide show here in a few with the pictures I took. As you will tell, I like Deron Williams. He is my favorite player along with Kyle Korver. I have a few pictures of Deron. :) Thanks Piper and Cameron for going with us; it was a great!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween '09

Halloween was fun with the kids again this year. Nils and I don't really get into the whole Halloween thing, but it's so fun dressing the kids up and going out with them. With Brooklyn being older this year it was fun to see her get candy and think she was big. Ryder this year was Wolverine and Brooklyn was Minnie Mouse. It was a great night!

It's only been a year!

Wow! How busy and crazy life can be. I have not updated the blog for about a year now and finally found some time to sit down and update it. I will then post some different posts throughout today of things lately. Not a whole lot has changed in our life except for the kids growing like weeds. I now hope to have slowed down just a bit and will keep the blog updated. Crossing my fingers. :)