Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

I told myself and told myself that I was not going to find out what we were having this time around. Well, the other day I went and gave in. I knew I couldn't hold out. :) I found out what it was while we were doing an ultrasound. We are having a BOY! I am really excited and thrilled with the outcome. I was truthfully really wanting a boy this time. I wanted to get out all the little boy stuff again. Plus, Brooklyn is so dang hard I didn't want another girl so soon. LOL ;) I would of course took either, but I am thrilled to be expecting a boy! My tummy is getting big and hard and I now I feel prego instead of just a fat belly. I have been able to feel him move, but just the other day the kids and Nils finally got to see my stomach move when he kicked. So exciting and fun. I can't wait for a week or so when the kids can put their hands on my tummy and feel him! Ryder is very excited as expected to be getting a brother! He says they are going to be best buddies. He even told me the other day, "Yahoo. That means the baby is going to pee like me and can pee outside with me too." LOL Good old Ryder. Brooklyn wanted a girl like her she says. When you ask her if she is excited for another brother she changes her mood everytime. Most of the time we get a dirty look and a "No. Like Me." answer from her, but I know she'll love him up just the same. Got any baby boy name ideas? Feel free to leave a comment with the name ideas if you'd like. :)