Monday, February 28, 2011

Just a little behind......

Yep, imagine that. Sam got behind on the whole blogging thing! :) I just have had myself doing too many things and trying to be in too many places at once and I haven't had much time to myself to sit and update the blog. Sorry. I will give you a run down of the past little bit though.Not a whole lot of exciting things have happend though.
Gavin is getting bigger and bigger and boy is it sad to see how fast they grow! It seems like Nils and I just brought him home and he is now going on 7 months!! He is a great little kid though. The cholic is gone and WOW what a whole new world!! He is working on tooth number five now so that is the only grumpy we get. Poor little fella. He is rolling everywhere and just yesterday began to get himself around by doing army crawls. I will have to try to remember to get it on camera next time. He loves being around his older brother and sister. They are a huge help for the most part too and I am grateful! Whenever I need to get something done they team up usually to try and calm him down and/or entertain him until I can feed him or whatever.
Brooklyn is still, well....Brooklyn. She is hell on wheels still. That girl has a mind of her own and is VERY moody! I think she is in the horrible three stage and I hope it passes sooner then later. At times I really just don't know what to do with her. She is always into things she knows she shouldn't be and/or doing things that she knows she's not suppose to. You can tell her no and get after her and when you turn around she's at it again! (sigh) She tries her best to help with Gavin though. Some days are better then others. She has hit a stage though that she thinks she is big enough to pick him up and she really is not! Scares the daylights out of me and I hope it too will soon pass. :)
Ryder is still doing Preschool. He'll be done this year. He is trying really hard to learn his letters and all that comes with it. He is a whiz with writing his name and close to recognizing all his letters in the alphabet. He loves Preschool though and does great! He has been telling me when the snow melts that he'll be happy so he can play baseball. Yippee! I can't wait either so I guess I'm glad he's happy for it.
So there is our life in a nut shell lately. I hope to do better now at keeping this thing updated. :)

Our visitor.....

Nils and I were sitting here the other night when my dad came in and said that when he had gotten up to go to work that morning, he had seen a bull elk out in the field in front of his house. He said it wasn't very far away from him, but when he started his truck it took off. We then decided to keep our eyes out in hopes to see it. We'd get up and check in the mornings (since the kids were up usually before the sun was) and then we'd check at night right before it got way dark in hopes he'd come out to feed. For a few days we saw nothing and began to think my dad was seeing things and going crazy in his old age. Then one late afternoon we decided to head over to his parent's place to visit in Franklin. We decided to go up over the hill past my dad's fields just to see. Yep, sure enough,the elk was out there!! So after all, my dad wasn't just going crazy! :) I had Nils pull over and we just watched him eat for awhile as he just would mill around. I didn't have my camera and was mad at myself for not grabbing it. Nils told me maybe now we knew more where he kind of was staying we'd watch and catch him again. So sure enough the next night we could see out our window that he was going out to the field to eat! We quickly rounded up the kids and got the camera and up the road we went. We pulled over on the road and just watched the elk. It was so neat!!! He is a big bull elk; a 6x6!! I started snapping pictures and he'd watch us every then again and on occasions would start to go back away from us. We were able to sit there with the kids and watch him for about a good 45 minutes probably just eat and walk around!!
There are also a herd of deer who have moved in for awhile now and in the one picture they were out eating too. They are always out in the few fields eating and moving around. It was just really neat to see an elk that close up; not trapped in!! We have seen them of course but not just out in the open where they are free to run and go where ever.
Enjoy the pictures I was able to snap. Sorry they are not the best quality. I took some through my car window because it was so dang cold and then some I was shivering and they went a tad blury. :) He has a few places by our house and my parent's that he beds down and it's been fun to watch him hide out. We hope he stays and hangs out for a bit.