Monday, February 13, 2012

Just jotting down my random thoughts

Well, I told myself I was going to get better at keeping up with this blogging thing and man how life just seems to be flying by!
A thought I had the last little while......I heard someone say one day "being a stay at home mom should not be wrote down anywhere as a job." I seemed to think about that everyday for a bit! I did let it get to me though one day as I realized to myself that I probably should go out and get a job to help pay for the piling up of bills. I started to feel in the dumps and felt like I didn't do anything worth while and that I was just the mom....and with being a mom comes what I do and it's really not a "job." I have had some very downer days lately and that comment stuck to me.

However, now that I had a few days to sit back and think more clearly I realize it is a LIE to say that being a stay at home mom is not a job. I have a FULL time job that doesn't end. Everyday seems to come with a new set of tasks. Some days I have more to do then others or more messes to clean then others. However, I wake up every morning making sure three kids are fed, dressed and then clean up the breakfast mess.I have beds to make, laudry to do, clothes to put away, lunch to cook, more dishes, wiping noses, cleaning up messes....the list is endless most days! I realize now that I believe I work pretty stinking hard! I am constantly on the go and when that clock hits 5PM or 6PM my job is not done and I don't just "go home until tomorrow." I realize that I could say that I work double overtimes and have late nights....sometimes I am pulling all nighter shifts! My job of being a mother and a wife doesn't end and so why do I feel guilty for not helping more???? I know that I do a lot, I see that.....but somedays just seem to hit me like a pile of bricks in the face thinking that I need to go get a job.

Why do I say this?...because today and the last couple days for some reason more then ever I realize how much people need to realize that being a stay at home mom is not some easy task. It IS a full time job and it IS hard. At the same time though I realize what a blessing I have to be able to stay at home and raise my children! Many moms out there don't have the choice and must work to stay ahead and live. I count my blessings that I am able to see my kids grow up and watch their milestones in life! I think I need to take it all more as a pleasure instead of thinking it's just an everyday thing. I GET to wake up early and send Ryder off on the bus and I am here to see him come home. I GET to take Brooklyn to school and pick her up. So many times we get wrapped up in the everyday things and I think sometimes it's so easy to say and think "i have to do this or that" when really we should say "I GET to do this today."

I know I am not the best mom, but I try. I try to be the mom my children want to have and wish for. Even through all their fits and tantrums and I hope they realize I am learning too! I'm not perfect. Yes I get mad and grumpy just like them, but I love them! I am learning and growing each day just as they are. I hope and pray that my children know of my hard work; that I try hard to make this a happy place to be! I hope that patience grows in our home as I learn this journey we are on.....that we together can be the best family we can! I am grateful I have the gospel in my life for one. I am grateful for a loving and forgiving father in Heaven who loves me despite my faults. It makes me happy to know what we are sealed as a family and will live for Eternity together!!
May we all take a step back and realize that yes we are moms and yes we have a full time job! We should walk with our heads help high for all the many things we do; even all those unseen things!
((It feels good to get my thoughts out as this blogging stuff is mostly for my journal writing.)) :)