Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ryder's Preschool Pictures

Ryder had his preschool pictures taken this last week. It's just crazy that he's getting so big as it seems just like the other day he was the one we were expecting and waiting for; now we are waiting for number three to come. Crazy how fast life passes us by! Here is the one of his whole class. Don't know why Ryder had to smile like a dork, but it kind of makes me giggle. LOL ;) The pictures on here are not real great due to scanning them in, but you get the idea.

Below are the two pictures of just him. Considering I wasn't there to make him smile like I usual, I think they turned out super cute. I love the second one; without the jacket!! He is such a handsome little guy and I love him to death.

He has one more year of preschool to go now and then he'll be in Kindergarten. Wow! Time does fly. I am hoping to get the two kid's pictures done together and some done of Brooklyn here soon if the weather would work with me a little.

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