Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ryder has started playing T-ball this year. This is his first year and boy has he been excited for it! He totally LOVES playing ball. Getting use to hitting the ball off the T was a bit of a struggle for him for the first little bit though because he was so use to having someone pitch him the ball and he'd hit when we played around here. However, he's gotten the hang of it and does quite well I think.

He is a switch hitter! One time he'll get up to bat and he will bat left handed and then the next time he gets up he will bat right handed. He just does whatever he feels like and when you ask him, "What are you going to bat today? Right or left?" He will look at ya with a shrug of the shoulders and say, "Whatever I want!" Well okay then! LOL So we just let him do his thing and he does whichever. Nils has told me not to discourage him and if he wants to hit both then good for him, so that's what we are doing. He does throw right handed though and has a stronger swing left handed when he bats. Wierd kid. :) We will see if he ends up sticking to one or the other or keeps on switching it up.

He has I think three games left and then we are done and I think it's going to be drama when we are done because he just loves going and playing. He asks me almost everyday how many more days until he has T-ball again.

We are still working on his fielding abilities. A ball gets hit to him and he'll just look at it as if to say "yep, it's by me. What do you want me to do?" If he doesn't do that he'll just sit and look off into la-la land and/or cover his face with his mit! It's qutie hillarious to watch and yet now he is getting better and going after the ball! Sometimes it's hard to watch t-ball for me because they just let everyone bat, no one gets out and it's mostly just to learn the hang of ball. It's fun to go watch him have so much fun though and enjoy himself. I just can't wait until we are on playing baseball with him! :)

Here are some pics I got at one of his games. Enjoy!

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