Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brooklyn's Boo-Boo

So last night we sent the kids to get PJ's on. I set Brooklyn's on her dresser and left. The next thing I hear is her freaking out and screaming that she doesn't want to wear the ones I set out and so on. (She thought she should be able to wear shorts and it was just too cold for them.)She was throwing one of her tempers which is not too unusual for her.

After a bit, Nils had finally heard enough of her in there and went in. He told her to get dressed and wear what we put out or she was going right to bed. She then decided to sort of move the toys towards Nils so he couldn't get through the doorway. Nils then pushed the one toy back just as she threw her arms in the air to fall to the floor and throw her fit. (If you could picture the throwing of arms in the air while your head tilts back and you fall all dramatically to the floor.) SO, as Nils knocked the toy back out of the way, she flopped to the floor at the same time and came down on the toy. It got her right by the eye!! Of course you couldn't tell as she grabbed her eye because she was still screaming from her fit. Nils then turned back again to talk to her and he could see blood on her face. He quickly went over to her and noticed it had been cut. We laid her down and wiped the blood, but it was still bleeding. Finally it slowed so Nils went and got a butterfly bandage. It just wasn't holding it together though. You could still see the gash was pulled apart. We then sent his mom a picture of it to see what she thought.
(Where she is a nurse and all)

After having talked to her she advised us we should take her in and have her checked out. GREAT, an ER visit. Not what I had wanted at 9 o clock at night. We then figured the worst they could do is put a butterfly bandage on it themselves and send us home. So off we went.

When we arrived the nurse said she figured a stich or two would probably be wise where it was on her face and all. Being on her face and not doing anything with it could leave a nasty thick scar and I really didn't want that either. So she called in the Dr. to get his opionion and check her out. The Dr. finally decided after looking it over that he'd just try glue and see if it'd hold. If it didn't, he said he'd throw in a couple of stiches. So they numbed her and started the glue process. After he watched and it seemed to be holding just fine so he sent us on our way.
I wasn't so set on the "glue" to hold it, but so far so good. She just has a purple blob on her face which is the glue. They said within a week or so it'd fall off and in the meantime feel like a scab so to make sure she didn't sit and pick at it or anything. She came home with us around 11 pm and was back to her bubbly, hyper self. She has complained a little today, but only due to a headache.
Here are pictures of it today. I forgot to snap some last night cuz I was in a rush sort of speak. All the purple you see is the glue.

This has been our first experience with our kids having a cut or anything at all that we had to go to the ER for! They have been there due to being really sick, but not for boo-boos. ;) I am just very glad that she didn't hit her eye as that could have caused a lot of trouble. Glad it wasn't very bad and we got it taken care of! Now we hope when her room is full of toys she'll think twice before falling to the floor while throwing a tantrum. :)

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