Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brooklyn's Boo-Boo

So last night we sent the kids to get PJ's on. I set Brooklyn's on her dresser and left. The next thing I hear is her freaking out and screaming that she doesn't want to wear the ones I set out and so on. (She thought she should be able to wear shorts and it was just too cold for them.)She was throwing one of her tempers which is not too unusual for her.

After a bit, Nils had finally heard enough of her in there and went in. He told her to get dressed and wear what we put out or she was going right to bed. She then decided to sort of move the toys towards Nils so he couldn't get through the doorway. Nils then pushed the one toy back just as she threw her arms in the air to fall to the floor and throw her fit. (If you could picture the throwing of arms in the air while your head tilts back and you fall all dramatically to the floor.) SO, as Nils knocked the toy back out of the way, she flopped to the floor at the same time and came down on the toy. It got her right by the eye!! Of course you couldn't tell as she grabbed her eye because she was still screaming from her fit. Nils then turned back again to talk to her and he could see blood on her face. He quickly went over to her and noticed it had been cut. We laid her down and wiped the blood, but it was still bleeding. Finally it slowed so Nils went and got a butterfly bandage. It just wasn't holding it together though. You could still see the gash was pulled apart. We then sent his mom a picture of it to see what she thought.
(Where she is a nurse and all)

After having talked to her she advised us we should take her in and have her checked out. GREAT, an ER visit. Not what I had wanted at 9 o clock at night. We then figured the worst they could do is put a butterfly bandage on it themselves and send us home. So off we went.

When we arrived the nurse said she figured a stich or two would probably be wise where it was on her face and all. Being on her face and not doing anything with it could leave a nasty thick scar and I really didn't want that either. So she called in the Dr. to get his opionion and check her out. The Dr. finally decided after looking it over that he'd just try glue and see if it'd hold. If it didn't, he said he'd throw in a couple of stiches. So they numbed her and started the glue process. After he watched and it seemed to be holding just fine so he sent us on our way.
I wasn't so set on the "glue" to hold it, but so far so good. She just has a purple blob on her face which is the glue. They said within a week or so it'd fall off and in the meantime feel like a scab so to make sure she didn't sit and pick at it or anything. She came home with us around 11 pm and was back to her bubbly, hyper self. She has complained a little today, but only due to a headache.
Here are pictures of it today. I forgot to snap some last night cuz I was in a rush sort of speak. All the purple you see is the glue.

This has been our first experience with our kids having a cut or anything at all that we had to go to the ER for! They have been there due to being really sick, but not for boo-boos. ;) I am just very glad that she didn't hit her eye as that could have caused a lot of trouble. Glad it wasn't very bad and we got it taken care of! Now we hope when her room is full of toys she'll think twice before falling to the floor while throwing a tantrum. :)

Misty Graduates....

This last Thursday Misty graduated from High School! It was just crazy to see her graduate. It doesn't seem like that long ago that she was just a little thing tagging along side me, now she is going to be off to college! She is a smart girl though and I know she will do well in college. She will be attending Utah State this fall and will major in journalism/broadcasting. She has an apparment all lined up down there and ready to roll. I think her getting out on her own is going to be an adjustment for her, but a GOOD adjustment. She won't have mom and dad right by her side telling her what to do every second, but I know it's going to do her well and she'll be able to grow up and learn a lot. I do think it will be strange not having her right by us because sometimes the kids want to go to Grandma's and play with Aunt T....and now that she won't be there hardly at all may be quite the adjustment for them.
Misty graduated in the top ten of her class with honors. I was very proud of her and I wish her all the best in college!!
Here is her in line to get her diploma....

She is now receiving her diploma...

I was able to get some pics of her and I. Why I always look horrible in pictures I don't know, but at least there are a few of her and I.

My brother Bryan made it up for her graduation and we got a few pics of the three of us. Val didn't make it as she is training for a new job and we missed her tons. If you know my brother, you know when he is around he always says or does something nuts and you laugh. So as you see in the one pic we are laughing and who only knows what he said or did then. lol The other one we are all smiling decent, but too bad we are all looking at the other cameras going off.

I managed to finally snap a picture of her with my mom and dad. Too bad my dad was the only one who was looking my direction!

Here are a couple pictures of Nils and I with Misty. Again, get all of us not to be pulling a face (or chewing gum) in a picture and you are doing mighty well. It seems like Nils always pulls a strange face too, but I guess I should be happy we got a couple of the three of us together.

CONGRATS MISTY!!!! We love you and are very proud of your accomplishments!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ryder Graduates Preschool!

On Tuesday night, Ryder graduated from Preschool! YAY and BOO both from me. I am so happy he graduated from preschool and did so well, but I'm not so sure yet on him beginning Kindergarten either. Graduating to me means that he just that much older now. Yes, I am a baby! He is my oldest and I guess I just need to get through the stage that "he has to grow up."

He sure loved being in Miss Mindy's class for the last two years! Miss Mindy is a GREAT teacher and worked so well with Ryder. He did SUPER. He came a LONGGGG ways this last year in preschool. He learned all his letters, how to do his name all by himself, his phone number, his 8 basic shapes, his 8 basic colors.....and so on. He still had a struggle with all of it after he completed his first year and I began to get a little nervous, but boy he shot up this year and learned it all and did fantastic. I am so proud of him!! Ryder is actually pretty shy and being in preschool really helped him get out there to meet new friends and communicate with others. I am so, so, so pleased with Ryder and couldn't ask anymore from him.

For their program they sang some songs that they had worked on through the year and he sang his heart out and did all the "dance" actions they were doing. (which with his shyness was fun to see) Here are a few pictures of him up on stage singing. The one picture is blury because he was running in one of their songs they did which was called "listen and move."

After they were done signing their songs, Miss Mindy handed out their diplomas and a cute little gift she made each of them. The gift was a wooden heart with a key glued onto it. She said she wants all the kids to know "they have the key to their teacher's heart." Ryder was excited and wants it hung up in his room right now. Here are a few pictures we got of him getting his diploma and one after with Miss Mindy. Don't ask me what he was looking at; I have no clue. :)

Congrats Ryder!! I love you SOOO much!! Now onto Kindergarten we go. (Wish this mom luck because right now I'm not too excited for him to go!) :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Brooklyn's New Hairdo...

So the other day I decided it was time to cut Brooklyn's hair. I have known for some time how bad it needed trimmed up so I decided since I scheduled one for myself to have them cut her hair while they were at it. I do color in mine and it's a purple type color, sort of violet I guess. When I started telling her we'd be cutting her hair she asked me if she could do pink in her hair. Ha! Not likely. I just feel that 3 is too young for color. Not doing it. I kept telling her no color this time, but I'd cut it however she wanted. Well that wasn't the best thing to say either! LOL She began telling us she wanted a haircut like her Grandma Pepsi (Syd, which is Nils' mom) and if you know Syd you know her hair is SHORT. Her hair is just a spikey haircut and I knew I didn't want that for my little girl. So then I began scratching my head on what to do. I then didn't say anything for a few days and figured she'd pass by that idea.
Well the day came to do it. We went to my good friend Amanda and I went first so that I could get color in mine and then she would cut Brooklyn's. When it was Brooklyn's turn she told Amanda she wanted it short. I told Amanda just to keep it nice, but not too short, and make her cute. (I really trust Amanda and LOVE my hair everytime she does it)
Amanda cut it and then began to do some stylin. I about died watching Brook's hair get cut. I love my little girl's hair, but she just isn't one to let you do it and let you do cute things to it. Amanda got it all done and I did indeed love it, but I was shocked too. :) Brook looked in the mirror and when Amanda asked her if she loved it she said "yes." SCORE. If it pleased Brook, then it was okay in my eyes. When we came home to show Nils she was so excited to show it off. She has been loving it except for the other day when she asked me to glue all her hair back on because she wanted it back in a ponytail. OH MAN! :( I then began to feel bad that I chopped off my little girl's hair, but quickly she got over it and so did I.

Here is a couple pictures, front and back, of her BEFORE we ventured out for the haircut.

..and here are a few after pictures of her new and improved haircut.

DRUMROLL PLEASE......................

I really do like it now, but still in shock that I chopped it. I guess it's just hair though and it will grow back. She is loving it more and more each day I think. I really think she'll love not having it in her face when she's outside playing this summer; it'll be cooler too. The cut did make her look older and not so sure that was a good thing. :) Having some swoop bangs on her really made her different but they are fun on her just the same.
Thank you Amanda for cutting our hair and putting up with us for a few hours! We love the new hairdos; you did great work!!

Gavin's new "trick"

This is also a little late in posting, but I just had to share it! My little boy discovered a new little "trick" sort of speak. He discovered he can wink at ya, but really it's closing his eyes and opening them quickly. It's cute!! THEN, he found his tongue was a tool to make others giggle. So he sits and looks at you then when you talk to him he'll stick out his tongue. It didn't take long for him to do it when his older brother and sister would just sit and giggle so of course Gavin would keep doing it. I snapped a few pictures of him doing it. I meant to get it on video, but it just wouldn't work with me.
Here is the tongue trick. He did it and his little feet just kick away too because everyone giggles at him and he gets so excited.

Now here is the picture of him doing both at the same time. It's not as cool to see the wink thing unless you are here in person, but he'll close his eyes and then quickly open them again. Just like a wink. He loves it when we do it to him and we love it when he does it back to us. Isn't it strange the little things they do that crack us up and make us take pictures? Maybe no biggie to others, but I just had to share it cuz I thought it was so dang cute. :)

Thanks for enjoying the craziness of our family and the things that crack me up. Simple things in life with this little boy bring us all smiles here!!


Yes, FINALLY I am posting pics of the kids from Easter. I am just slackin a little bit. :) It's just crazy how on thing after another seems to happen here and I just can't find time to sit and blog lately. The above picture is the kids Easter morning excited to see that the Easter Bunny left them some baskets. (Yes, it's impossible for me to get a pic of all three of them NOT pulling a face.) LOL
For Easter the kids got a bucket with outside toys in it. They got bubbles, a big ball to play with, two animals each to play in the dirt with, and then they each got one bigger toy. Ryder got a backagun thing, Brook got a Loopsy doll, and Gavin got a learning puppy. We then got a few peeps and other treats. It was fun for the kids and they were very excited to have a few outdoor things to play with! The Easter Bunny had hid a bunch of eggs throughout the house and then left the kids a letter telling them to begin the hunt once they got back from church. So since we had the early 9AM church, the kids got ready and off we went. The minute we walked in after church they ran around making sure to find the eggs. We then also had spent Saturday night coloring Easter eggs and the kids said that was the funnest ever. Even if we were all colored and a mess it was a great time as a family coloring up the eggs.

For church, the kids all got new church clothes. This has been something I wanted to make sort of a tradition for our family. Growing up I didn't have a new Easter dress each Easter and others did, so now I am doing it for my kids. They love it. Ryder got the whole vest and tie thing which he found totally cool. Below is a pic of the kids all in their Easter clothes, ready for church! I have to say I have pretty cute kids if I do say so myself.

Here is a picture I had taken just of Gavin all dressed up. He sure is a big boy, but oh so cute and oh so fun. Love this little boy to pieces!! :)